anne leuck feldhaus studio — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


anne leuck feldhaus studio

Before & After...

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

I love a before & after photo - and transforming spaces! This was my booth at the Windy City Pet Expo in Villa Park a few weeks back. It was a fun day, met lots of lovely people and their pets! Also got to see lots of wonderful folks from the local rescue groups and other pet businesses, like Tracey Gold, from Chicago Canine Concierge:And at the end of the day I met this darling little girl, that reminded me so much of my sweet Alice! She's available for adoption via Players for Pits. Nina is a Husky/Pit Mix...14 weeks old and so loveable!

There's no business like show business...

Business, Events, Shows & Ar..., Inspiring Artists &...Anne LeuckComment
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You haven't heard from me much this summer...but I've been plenty busy! In lieu of doing a myriad of outdoor artfairs I've been busy developing a Wholesale Line of Gift Items for Stores and Pet Boutiques. I showcased much of this new work at the Chicago Gift Market at the Merchandise Mart in July, and have many new products in the works since then. I love doing these shows, designing my booth, sharing new work with potential clients and meeting so many other lovely designers and makers. It was a blast, here's some before and after shots:

My most colorful booth to date - It's amazing what you can accomplish with a staple gun, a few rolls of colored paper and ikea shelving!

My new 'Holiday' selections!

My lovely girfriends from Green Daffodil, Siouxanne & Anne! 

My new best friend in Canada! Julie, at Julie Sinden Handmade. We did an 'international' trade, I got a super cute new winter hat!

...and the lovely Martha, of The 3 Sisters Design Studio! This gal is nonstop fun and a brilliant designer.

Come See Me at the Ravenswood ArtWalk this weekend!

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

I'm excited to be participating in the Ravenswood Art Walk for the first time this weekend, it's shaping up to be a great event! You can tour artist's studios all around the Ravenswood neighborhood, enjoy live music, brewery & distillery tours, and more. Get the details here & check out the  map and Artist Index.

My studio is location #45:
5014 N. Hermitage, North Gate Entrance (ring the bell)
Saturday, September 29th 11am-7pm
Sunday, September 30th  11am-6pm


And don't forget to check out my Interview Feature on the Ravenswood Art Walk Blog.

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1001 Fans....

Press & Published ...Anne LeuckComment

Are you on Facebook? I just surpassed the 1000 "Like" landmark for my Anne Leuck Feldhaus Studio Business page - I do realize this fluctuates daily so you might visit and find it back at 995 again! In any case, I am so grateful for all the 'likes' and comments and interactions and feedback about my work. I'm much better about updating there than on my website or here on the blog - just due to the ease of it. I'm sure I will be posting more specials once I get settled in my new more private work studio so if you would like to "LIKE" me...well, I'd like that! ; )